SubCat may
Lexical Range N/A
Level C2
Cando Can use 'may as well' to talk about what we think is the easiest or most logical course of action, often when we cannot see a better alternative or when it will not spoil the situation if you do that thing. ► might
Corrected Learner Example A few minutes later, she began hesitantly: "After all, you may as well know…” (France; C2 MASTERY; 1993; French; Pass)

I may as well see the other things. (Turkey; B2 VANTAGE; 2003; Turkish; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example
Comments This is at C1 in EVP but most of the C1 examples are either from Business English candidates or are not pragmatically correct. ||NB this structure tends to be more spoken than written.

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