SubCat adverbs as modifiers
Lexical Range 3
Level C1
Cando Can use a wide range of stance adverbs (simply, truly, surely, apparently, naturally, surprisingly, inevitably, literally, exceptionally, frankly, clearly, amazingly, wisely, admittedly) to indicate an attitude or viewpoint, often in clause initial position.
Corrected Learner Example Obviously everybody has the right to be on a strike. (Spanish - Other, C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY, Pass, 1993)

We can't truly blame ourselves for this unlucky beginning. (Greek, C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY, Pass, 2000)

Apparently someone made a mistake writing the details I gave over the phone. (Polish, C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY, Pass, 2009)

Naturally , I inclined towards the second option. (Romanian, C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY, Pass, 2008)

Luckily for me, I stayed with a kind and helpful host family but they lived four miles from the school. (Swedish, C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY, Pass, 1993)
Uncorrected Learner Example
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