breed · verb /briːd/Full view
B2 T to keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals
Dictionary example:

His main income comes from breeding cattle.

Learner example:

We can keep animals, breed them, observe, and protect [them]. (First Certificate in English; B2; Polish)

breed contempt/ignorance, etc.
C2 to cause something to develop, especially something bad
Dictionary example:

He believes that movies like this breed violence.

Learner example:

The question arises: who is right - those who love and cherish history or those for whom the above-mentioned familiarity breeds contempt? (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

breed · noun C /briːd/
B2 a type of dog, sheep, etc.
Dictionary examples:

This rare breed of sheep is particularly good for wool.

What's your favourite breed of dog/dog breed?

Learner example:

After she had seen pictures of the show animals, she de[c]ided to buy a small male kitten of the Cornish rex breed. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)

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